Because I am such a fan of the books and the movie I was excited to work on this cake! I have seen flat versions of this but I wanted to really make the mocking jay pin stand out so I did it 2D. I used a skewer to make the arrow, just covered it in fondant. To tint the gold Fondant I used a ratio of 10 parts yellow, 3 parts orange and 1 part red. This gave it a nice golden color. After it had dried a little I set it on wax paper and used Duff Decorating Cake Graffiti, Gold, 1.5-Ounce touching it up a little on the sides with a paint brush dipped in the left over spray. That gave it the real LUSTER.
The frosting was a dark chocolate and I love the contrast with the flames. “May the odds be ever in your favor!”