I made these to top my cranberry orange cupcakes, but I couldn’t stop eating them! And I didn’t even feel bad because cranberries are good for me ;). My kitchen smelled so good while I made these too.
2 1/2 cups sugar
1 cup water
1 cup orange juice
1 tsp vanilla
zest from an orange
12 oz cranberries
Combine everything except the cranberries and cook over medium on the stove until the sugar is dissolved. Add the cranberries and remove from heat. Once it cools down place it in a covered container (make sure the berries are all in the syrup) and refrigerate it over night. The next step is to drain the syrup (save it! Its delicious mixed with plain yogurt!!) and gently toss the berries in sugar until well coated. Let them dry on a cookie sheet and start enjoying! These are delicious in salads too.