I still remember Ben’s face right before we met the dogs- he was SO excited.
When I look back through all that happened when we were matched with our sweet Tallula (the post is HERE) I cant believe its been a year since we officially took Tula’s leash from her Puppy Raisers Dawn and Dan, and brought her home with us.
She has become such a part of life, we can’t remember what it was like without her! She is a part of everything- the first cub scout uniform, field trips, dress up, hard doctor appointments…. in everything Ben does she is there somewhere!
I have been surprised at the confidence level Tula has helped Ben rise to. He is SO proud, so ready to talk to everyone about his dog, and he just LOVES her so much. She gets the first after school hug now and Ben has to show her everything (and loves her to watch him do things.) And Tula brings people to Ben which is exactly what we hoped.
I think about our puppy raisers, the other volunteers out there and my heart breaks a little for them, especially as I imagine what it would be like to lose Tula! But I am also so inspired by them. I am so grateful for the good people in our lives! I am constantly motivated by the way I see others reaching out to lift those around them- it makes me want to do better and do more. Natalie wants to raise a puppy in a few years and I am going to do what I can to help that happen even though it will be a hard thing for her to give that puppy back- some kinds of heart ache change us for the better, and we have been SO blessed by the service of Dawn and Dan and all the trainers at CCI- so many people were involved!!
And Ben is not the only one in love- we all are. Jack fell asleep like this tonight
Happy Anniversary to Ben and Tula!!! Still a Perfect Match.
Thank you for your nice message Alyce! I agree my boys are sweet but I’m their mom 🙂 So we have a lot in common, I am glad we came across each other 🙂